Education Approach

This is called the Intelligent Classroom Behavior Management System and is using facial recognition technology system to scan and observe student’s behaviour in the classroom. 7 difference expressions are recognised such as angry, disappointed, happy, neutral, sad, scared and surprised (yet no bored classification!). The system scans the students every 30 seconds so no room for a quick sleep or messing around here.

A.I. Too Far?

Imagine being constantly watched in the classroom. The systems allows greater feedback and classroom awareness, but what about the impact on behaviour and creativity? This has the potential for enforcing expected behaviours and expressions, rather than allowing individuality. All to much like big brother for me, take a read of 1984 by George Orwell. But it will be interesting to see how surveillance and AI is viewed by students and societies across the world. Let’s hope student freedom to learn is the focus and not safety fears.


Techjuice. (2018). This school scans classrooms every 30 seconds through facial recognition technology.


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